About Us

Embarking on a journey that sprouted from the seeds of passion and a sprinkle of boldness, Harveyteck diverged from the ordinary path. 

We’re not just a tech company; we’re composers of a digital symphony, fusing technology, heart, profound data (we’re talking Mariana Trench deep), and razor-sharp insight. Our philosophy? It’s not just about meeting expectations; it’s about crafting tech epics that our clients will want to sing from the rooftops!

Our Genesis: From Oil Rigs to Digital Digs

Our tale is incomplete without the legend of Steve Taripanye Irimagha, the visionary who swapped oil for code, a drill for a keyboard, all in the pursuit of crafting a more sustainable world. Steve’s journey wasn’t sparked by chance; it was ignited by the realization that the world needed solutions beyond the finite, solutions that didn’t just scratch the surface but resonated deeper and broader – into the digital realm.

From the echoing hustle of oil fields, Steve took a leap of faith into the silent hum of servers and the rhythmic tapping of keyboards. Why? Because he saw a future that others didn’t. He envisioned a world where technology wasn’t just a tool but a canvas – a canvas to design, innovate, and nurture sustainable solutions for global challenges.

The Harveyteck Saga: Sustainability Meets Innovation

At Harveyteck, we don’t just code; we converse in a language that bridges today with tomorrow. Our pivot from oil to technology epitomizes our commitment to sustainability. But we didn’t stop there; we made this philosophy the core of our innovation, driving us to create digital solutions that aren’t just effective but responsible.

We’re not in the business of temporary fixes. No, we’re in the legacy-building business. Our digital solutions are designed to endure, powered by the spirit of sustainability, and engineered to propel both our clients and the planet into a prosperous, enduring future.

Our journey commenced with a modest ambition – to leave a mark on the cosmos. And you know what?

We can confidently whisper, “Hey Universe, feel this!”

Welcome to Harveyteck, where we’re not just tech enthusiasts; we’re tech magicians transforming the digital world, one innovative solution at a time! Brace yourselves as we catapult your business into the realms of success with our sterling web consulting, digital marketing, and software development services.



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